Posts tagged Python
Using Directories for Sphinx Pages
- 05 April 2021
Creating Sphinx pages as ./foo/index.rst
has a number of benefits over
including path consistency and organizing content.
Migrating From Plone To ABlog
- 16 March 2021
My aspiration to return to blogging thanks to reStructuredText, ABlog and GitLab CI/CD.
Emerald Sprint Report Out
- 13 February 2013
Merging versioning and and constrained types into Dexterity near Beautiful Seattle.
POSKeyError During Commit
- 21 November 2012
A terrifying tale of ZODB errors that only showed during the hardest time to debug.
WSGI apps on IIS
- 30 October 2012
iiswsgi provides a WSGI server providing a FCGI gateway to IIS and commands for distributing apps as WebPI packages
Looking for Projects and/or a Team
- 30 October 2012
I’m available for work and am interested in contract/consultant projects or a position with a team.