Posted in 2012
POSKeyError During Commit
- 21 November 2012
A terrifying tale of ZODB errors that only showed during the hardest time to debug.
WSGI apps on IIS
- 30 October 2012
iiswsgi provides a WSGI server providing a FCGI gateway to IIS and commands for distributing apps as WebPI packages
Looking for Projects and/or a Team
- 30 October 2012
I’m available for work and am interested in contract/consultant projects or a position with a team.
Python Web Apps on IIS
- 31 March 2012
Can Plone work better on Windows? I have a working proof-of-concept with Web Platform Installer, Web Matrix and IIS Express that may improve Plone’s installation story. Help me get it out the door.
Plone Sprints East
- 16 March 2012
I’m going to Plone Sprints East, a sprints event with a symposium thrown in for flavoring.
PyCon 2012 Sprints
- 15 March 2012
Sprinting after PyCon and my first time working with and contributing to Pyramid.
Building Python with Subversion 1.7
- 12 March 2012
I ran into a problem when trying to build Python from source after upgrading SVN.
Local Development for Large Upgrades
- 29 February 2012
Using COW to get a usable local setup when developing upgrade procedures for messy sites.
Buildout Performance Improvements
- 27 January 2012
Getting a 6-7 fold decrease in zc.buildout run times.