Posted in 2011
- 06 November 2011
Graceful handling of broken interfaces and components in the ZODB.
Making easy_install play nicely with multi-arch
- 26 October 2011
How to help extensions built with easy_install find Debian/Ubuntu multi-arch libraries.
$300 Ticket for Plone Conference 2011
- 05 October 2011
My old boss has a ticket to Plone Conference 2011 that he can’t use afterall.
Looking for Projects and/or a Team
- 14 September 2011
I’m available for work and am interested in contract/consultant projects or a position with a team.
Centralized Git-SVN mirror
- 12 September 2011
For those of us using lots of “git svn clone”s, is any sort of central mirror worth it?
Using Functional Tests for Profiling
- 25 July 2011
Use your functional tests with zope.testing/zope.testrunner to do easier profiling.
Ratpoison under Gnome
- 12 March 2011
Configuring ratpoison as Gnome’s window manager preserving all the Gnome goodness.
Cioppino Sprint
- 14 February 2011
I’m back home after the west coast sprint formerly known as the Tahoe sprint, is now on, and I can spell Cioppino without looking it up.